Monday, October 06, 2008

Hello everyone,

I'm still trying to catch up here! We had a really fun time Saturday with T.L., J.A., Bean, Bug and Smidge! It was our belated birthday celebration for T.L. We went on a fun hike and I got a couple of pictures that I'll share later in the week. For now, here are the rest of the Lili birthday pics:

Lili opening her first present!

She caught a peek of what was inside and is surprised! It was a toy set from the movie, "Dreamer", with the horse and little girl, Cale.

Here she has a Barbie horse. Can you tell she likes horses?!

Lili showing Deuce and Fess her pretty heart ring.

Wearing her new birthday outfit, complete with leggings and shoes! Isn't she pretty!

Lili's 6th birthday cake. She wanted butterflies and flowers. We aim to please!

Zoo getting ready for some cake!

Lili and Fess waiting for the lights to go out so we can sing "Happy Birthday".

Blowing out the candles.

Zoo eating his cake. He ate the whole piece!

Lili had ice cream with her cake.

Fess ate her ice cream with a spoon, then switched to her fork for the cake.

Deuce has a very neat plate! But then, she's going on 8!
All that cake makes a boy SO thirsty!

We helped with baths and bed and then we headed for home. A full, fun day. NOW I have a room full of apples to peel and freeze. Good tape or CD time!

The elections are coming up fast! Make sure you check the voting records of the candidates and see where they stand on Biblical issues. Their views on the abortion issue will reveal how they value life--because there could come a time when it just might be yours they're talking about! Also, make sure that you are getting the answers you want from them. If they won't reveal things, do you think they might be hiding something that they don't want you to know about? Something that may affect how you view them? DUH!!! Check the facts, forget the commercials and the fine speeches! Pray and then make sure you VOTE! THAT'S being Patriotic!

