I had to make a trip to T and Fenori's last week. Fenori had to take Zoo to the clinic for a cough he had not been able to shake. They ended up putting him in the hospital overnight so they could monitor him. I spent Wednesday and Thursday with Deuce, Lili and Fess. We visited Fenori and Zoo in the hospital on Thursday morning and then they were able to come home that night. Here are some fun pictures we took:
Fess had fun wearing Grandma's boots!
So cute!!!
And the requisite back view!
And now the side view!
Lili is really starting to look older and her hair is getting longer.
Fess coloring with us. And of course she has her favorite color, pink!
Lili and Deuce holding up a finished picture - very nice!
Another Fess smile with crayon in hand!
Deuce deep in thought.
There's her smile!
Lili with a smile of her own!
Lili's finished picture - so pretty!
Fess is hard at work on her picture.
Zoo and Fenori at the hospital.
He looks like he feels better!
There's a little smile!
He's happy to be with Mommy!
So peaceful in Mommy's arms!
Back at home with a present from a friend.
Deuce helping Mommy with the medicine.
He looks like he feels better!
There's a little smile!
He's happy to be with Mommy!
So peaceful in Mommy's arms!
Back at home with a present from a friend.
Deuce helping Mommy with the medicine.
Another pretty Lili smile!
I had a very good time with the girls. We did lots of fun stuff like coloring, puzzles, play dough, movies, walks, DQ trips and bike rides. We packed a lot into 2 days but were most happy that Zoo is doing so much better!
We have the whole family home for Thanksgiving and we are really looking forward to it!
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