Saturday, May 09, 2009

Hello everyone! Here are the first of the pictures we took from Zoo's 2nd birthday weekend.

The girls on the swing set during Zoo's afternoon nap.

Lili and Deuce.

Fess usually ALWAYS smiles for Grandma's camera!

Lili, Fess and Deuce on the big swing.

A closeup of the three!

After Zoo woke up we all went for a walk.

Deuce helped Zoo find some rocks to throw in the river.

Deuce by the water - so pretty!

Zoo wearing daddy's Badger cap.

Fess wearing her favorite hat!

Fess and Zoo getting more rocks to throw!

Grandpa would lift them up to throw the rocks over the rail.

Fess and Zoo finding MORE rocks!

Running back to have Grandpa lift them up.

Pretty Lili waiting with Grandpa!

T and Fenori went out to eat for T's birthday while we stayed with the kids. We had a lot of fun. The girls got really tired from the walk because we went the full length of the trail and forgot to bring water. It turned out to be a very beautiful day! We had presents and cake later and I'll post those pictures next time.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to remember the Mothers important to your life! Thank You, Jesus, for great moms!

Shalom in Him,
