Here are the rest of the pictures from our trip to see Smidge for her birthday and Bean and Bug for their Dance Recital.
The entire group filing in by class. Bean is right between the two girls in blue (middle and right). We tried to get Bug in the group but they walked in front of her too quickly and we couldn't see her.
Pretty Mommy with a very tired Smidge!
It is really hard to believe that Smidge is already 1 year old! That time went SO fast! We really had fun and can't wait to see them all again soon! We have Bean's 8th birthday coming up July 31. Another birthday party and lots more pictures! My next post will have pictures I took when I went to help Fenori and the girls take Zoo to get his 2 year old pictures taken. I love my new camera, can you tell?! :)
I hope you're enjoying the summer and being where God wants you to be, doing what HE wants you to do! That's the only way to be truly blessed!
Shalom in Him,