Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hi All,

We had a great weekend in the North country! It was also very white! We spent Saturday afternoon at the hotel swimming and the girls had lots of fun. Then Saturday night into Sunday morning was a blizzard. The family couldn't get out to come back to the hotel for a morning swim so we went to them. We had to park our car three blocks away and walk in blizzard conditions through sometimes knee deep snow to get to their house! They all had great fun with snow forts and such later, though, so it was a very fun time. Here are some pics from the weekend

********Deuce*******************Bean & Deuce*********
*********Lili & T*********

Girls enjoying the snow.

*******Fenori & Lili*******

Bug's new clothes*******Fessers coloring*******
********Clown Fess********
I am so blessed with such a unique and loving family, a great church where the Word of God is taught boldly, uncompromisingly, precisely, accurately and in Love, a church family that gives such great support, and a "job" where I am able to do what I love most (study the Word, pray, teach & preach).
There is so much happening at such a rapid pace in the world that it would boggle the mind of the person not familiar with God's Word! If that sounds like you, I invite you to check out my "work" link (The Spoken Word Church). There you will receive answers to alot of the questions you may have and the ability to contact us with more questions. God truly does love you with an everlasting Love! Jesus is proof positive of that fact. He (Jesus) is my very best friend and I want YOU to know Him like that! 'Til next time.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What a busy week! Getting ready to go for a weekend with the entire family. I can't wait to see all of the granddaughters together again. J.A.'s birthday is Monday and we will be celebrating that all together. Such fun!

Meanwhile, things in the world continue to happen at such a rapid pace that its hard to keep up with it all. I was brought back this week to my favorite Scripture passage, Phil. 3:8-14. Paul said: "my determined purpose is to know Him ( to become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him) AMP. I want that to be MY determined purpose, too. To know Him more every day, to understand Him better, to think like He thinks, talk like He talks and to act like He acts! Then people will look at me and see Jesus, and that's a good thing, because He is the only real answer!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Here is a picture of my girls! From left to right in the back are Lili, Deuce, Bean and Bug with little Fessers in the front. This is last year's picture and they all have pretty new dresses for this year. I will post that picture as soon as we all get together again! My new little grandson also has an ultrasound picture that I may post later on. Deuce, Lili & Fessers are the daughters of my daughter, Fenori and son-in-law, T. They are expecting their son this spring. Bean & Bug are the daughters of my son, T.L. and daughter-in-law, J.A. (We use nicknames to protect their privacy!)
We just celebrated Deuce's 6th birthday last Thursday! She is being home-schooled and doing extremely well. She is reading and loves it and she counted to 111 for me on her birthday! Bean is also in school and we will be seeing them this weekend so I can report on her progress! Lili is busy being a good big sister while Mommy & Deuce have school and Bug is in pre-school and also helps Mommy in the Day Care she runs from their home. Fess is busy being Fess! She loves her sisters, spinning, talking on the phone ("hello!") and football ("touchdown!").
I'll try to post more later but for now have a great day and remember that THIS is the day the Lord has made! Let's all rejoice and be glad in it & in Him!!!
Hi everyone!
Welcome to my first venture into the blog world! I am so new to this that it will be a real adventure and a learn-as-I-go experience. Any help or suggestions will be welcomed and greatly appreciated. I believe this will be a great way to keep in touch with friends and loved ones and to meet new people! My primary purpose in life is to share the love of Jesus and the Good News (the Gospel!) with everyone I come in contact with. God LOVES you and Jesus proved it!