We had a great weekend in the North country! It was also very white! We spent Saturday afternoon at the hotel swimming and the girls had lots of fun. Then Saturday night into Sunday morning was a blizzard. The family couldn't get out to come back to the hotel for a morning swim so we went to them. We had to park our car three blocks away and walk in blizzard conditions through sometimes knee deep snow to get to their house! They all had great fun with snow forts and such later, though, so it was a very fun time. Here are some pics from the weekend
********Deuce*******************Bean & Deuce*********
*********Lili & T*********
Girls enjoying the snow.
*******Fenori & Lili*******
Bug's new clothes*******Fessers coloring*******
********Clown Fess********
I am so blessed with such a unique and loving family, a great church where the Word of God is taught boldly, uncompromisingly, precisely, accurately and in Love, a church family that gives such great support, and a "job" where I am able to do what I love most (study the Word, pray, teach & preach).
There is so much happening at such a rapid pace in the world that it would boggle the mind of the person not familiar with God's Word! If that sounds like you, I invite you to check out my "work" link (The Spoken Word Church). There you will receive answers to alot of the questions you may have and the ability to contact us with more questions. God truly does love you with an everlasting Love! Jesus is proof positive of that fact. He (Jesus) is my very best friend and I want YOU to know Him like that! 'Til next time.