Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hello everyone,

We had a wedding at The Spoken Word Church in November when Diana Bates married Alan Sanderson and we now have pictures to share:

This is rehearsal when Diana's Uncle Bill was practicing giving the Bride away!

Practicing the vows so we get it right on the Big day!

A successful rehearsal and now for pizza!

The bride, Diana, and her mother, Linda, on the wedding day.

Diana with her Matron of Honor, Nicki Trott.

The beautiful bride!

Usher Greg escorting Linda down the aisle.

A joyful Diana repeating her vows !

Alan presenting his bride with her ring.

The kiss to seal the covenant while Alan's Best Man, his brother David, looks on.
The happy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sanderson!

The bridal table at the reception.

The beautiful cakes made by Diana' friend, Pat Burak.

Cutting the first piece of cake together.

Feeding each other the first bite of cake!

The wedding was a fun and joy-filled occasion for all of Diana's and Alan's family and friends. They are making their home in South Dakota now where Alan is the Manager of the Family Farm. They have recently moved into their new home and are having a great time furnishing it and making it their own! Much love and blessing to Alan and Diana as they have begun their new life together centered in God's will, rooted in Love and grounded in the Word of God!

Shalom to all!


Friday, January 25, 2008

Hello everyone,

Here are some pictures we took on Saturday when we went shopping for Fenori's birthday presents:

Zoo getting ready to eat lunch !

Lili liked what she had for lunch!

Deuce finished hers and was ready to go shopping!

Fess enjoyed her supper dining as Cinderella Fess!

Zoo was eating SOMETHING green for his supper!

And he looks like he really likes it!

Cinderella Fess with her new Cabbage Patch tiny doll.

Deuce had a good time shopping, but didn't think Mommy and Grandma would take THAT long!

Lili was a little tired, too, but she enjoyed her fruity drink with whipped cream that she had for a treat!
The "Kid Crew" just before we left to head back home.

We had a lot of fun and found a lot of good sales for Fenori's presents. We were able to get more things for a lot less money, so it was a VERY good day! Next up for birthdays is our Pastor on February 4th, then Deuce will be 7 on the 15th. The BIG birthday this year is J.A.'s who will be 30 on the 26th! We hope to make that a very special one!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to go to church! And not just any old church, either. Find a church that teaches the uncompromising Word of God, boldly, confidently, precisely and accurately. If you can't find one, contact us through our website and we will be glad to help you. Get involved as a DOER of the Word that is taught, and not just a hearer. You will be most blessed and very big blessing to everyone there!



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all been enjoying 2008 so far! I also hope you've been able to stay warm in the midst of all of this "global warming"! Fenori celebrated her 29th birthday last Wednesday with a surprise trip here and a stay at the Lodge and Suites with T. Deuce, Lili, Fess and Zoo stayed with us and we made a trip over so they could use the pool with mommy and daddy. Grandma forgot the camera on Wednesday night but brought it on Thursday morning. I missed some really great pictures on Wednesday, especially of Fess, who seemed to have the most fun of anyone! The morning found her a little sleepy and cold and not wanting to swim. She's still very cute in her "My First Speedo", though! Here are a few:

Fenori holding Zoo by the little pool.

Deuce LOVES to swim, especially underwater!

Lili has learned to go underwater, too, and loves it!

Fess didn't like the feel of the morning water.

Zoo was happy just watching his sisters splash!

Fess took up residence on a poolside chair.

When she wasn't in mommy's arms!

Deuce and Lili in front of the "waterfall".

Deuce after quite a few underwater swims.
Lili had a very good time going back and forth between pools!

We really had a wonderful time and T and Fenori were able to spend time together in their suite with a fireplace and Jacuzzi. It was a real treat for this home-schooling mom of 4! T really surprised her with this and treated her to a few restaurant meals. A very good 29th birthday! Then Grandpa and I traveled to their home on Saturday so that he and T could watch the younger two while I took Fenori, Deuce and Lili shopping for Fenori's birthday presents. She found a lot of nice clothes and a lot of good deals! We'll have to figure out a way to top this for her 30th next year!

Birthdays have always been very special at our house, but the most important birthday is the one in which we were re-born! Born again into the Kingdom of God. Have you received Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior yet? If not, you are missing the most important celebration of your life so far. Please check out my church website at the right to find out how and why to be born again. Receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior. Then you will have the promise of heaven as your home when you leave this earth and a wonderful, indescribably blessed rest of your life here!



Monday, January 14, 2008

Hello everyone,

I don't have pictures yet from T.L. and J.A. from our Christmas with them at T and Fenori's, because they took their two girls and spent a week in Florida. I hope to have pictures to share from that weekend and also from their trip soon. In the meantime, we spent a day last week shopping and then the evening with T, Fenori, Deuce, Lili, Fess and Zoo. We had some new games and so did the girls, so we had a fun time playing kids games until bedtime and then the grownups had coffee and treats and played two new games. It was a very fun time spent at T's newly restocked coffee bar! Here are some pictures of the little ones:

Zoo loves standing up now and he also loves the camera!

Zoo practicing his "Touchdown" cheer for this Sunday's Packers game at Lambeau Field when the Pack takes on the NY Giants for the right to go to the Super Bowl!

Fenori helping Zoo stand while T studies.

Fess loves playing horsey and this time Grandma is the "horsey", while Fenori is getting Zoo to show us his "belly laugh"!

Deuce wanted to try it but her legs are too long for Grandma to be her "horsey". Grandpa will have to take over that job!

Lili loves horses, too, but she would rather dress her Disney horses for the "Horse Show" computer game they got for Christmas!
Fess was tired out and ready for bed! It was a long, fun day for her!

We had a lot of fun. Now we're looking forward to later in the week when we celebrate Fenori's 29th birthday. My baby is ALMOST 30! I'm sure glad that I stay in the Word of God so I can stay young at heart with a childlike faith! I receive all of the promises of God in the Word of God as though they are meant for me, because they are! Get to know what belongs to you as a born again believer so that you can be and have all that your Father desires for you! You'll be so glad you did and so will all of the people you are able to share the Good News with. If you aren't yet a believer, please click on The Spoken Word Church link under my favorite sites on the sidebar and find out what you've been missing and how to become a part of this great family!



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hi everyone,

We have some pictures of the newest member of The Spoken Word Church, Jesse Lee Jiskra. Born 8:12 am on January 9, 2008. He weighed 7 pounds and .02 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. Mommy and baby are doing great and Daddy and brother Kyle are very proud! Here he is:

Sleeping peacefully in his mommy's arms!

Did you really HAVE to take that picture!

Mommy looks great and so does Jesse!

We continue to pray for God's richest and best for Mike, Kellie and their family as they keep Him first place in their lives! May their new little one be a source of joy and grow up to be a mighty man of God, even at a young age! Thank you, Lord Jesus!



Wednesday, January 09, 2008

UPDATE: After posting the blog this morning I received the great news that Kellie Jiskra has given birth to their son! Jesse Lee Jiskra weighs 7 lbs. .02 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long! Congratulations Mike, Kellie and Kyle! Welcome Jesse! Hopefully we'll have a picture to share soon!

Hello everyone,

We had our annual New Year's Eve party at The Spoken Word Church and we have some pictures here:

The table was set this year with the colors of blue, silver and white. The candles (peppermint candy) were lit, the water pitchers were full and Pastor's gifts of a teaching CD were all in place!

Bill Mataczynski and Ken Wangerin were ready to start!

Tony Baker, Rock Selvig, Byron Trott and Alan Sanderson were deep in discussion.

Pastor Bill Novak and his wife Roxy, who serves as our Administrator!

Minister of Worship, Anita Kroening and her husband Dave, who takes great care of our parking lot and various other things that need attention!

Newlyweds Alan and Diana Sanderson were back for a visit and everyone was so happy to see them!

Our sound man Byron Trott and his wife Connie, who serves as an usher and greeter and special music singer! In the background is their daughter, Ashley Nelson, who teaches the youth of The Spoken Word Church and also sings for special services.

Tony and Bonnie Baker enjoying the adults-only party and playing Apples to Apples!
Ken and Carol Wangerin who serve as ushers, greeters and prepare the communion service every month.
Bill and Mary Mataczynski shared the DVD from their recent Walt Disney World Christmas trip!

We always spend the last part of the evening playing various games and laughing A LOT! Here is Mark Nelson, Steve Millin and Rock Selvig playing Sequence.
Steve's wife, Sally Millin, joined in the laughter!
Usher Mike Jiskra with a hint of a grin as he joins in the 10-player Apples To Apples game.
Mike's wife, Kellie, who is VERY close to having their first baby together, with Anita, the game QUEEN of The Spoken Word Church! This group usually laughs the loudest AND the longest! Can't wait for next year!

It is such a tremendous blessing to have a local church family that you can fellowship with and have fun with. These same people are there for each other under any and all situations and circumstances. They love and support each other unconditionally, always ready to share their gifts and talents whenever a need arises. The most important and most powerful thing that this church family does is to pray for each other! Our Father intends for His people to be a part of a local church family where they can come together to fellowship with like-minded believers, worship the Lord together and celebrate His resurrection, and hear the Word of God taught boldly, confidently, uncompromisingly, precisely and accurately. To be trained how to be doers of God's Word and become effective ministers of reconciliation, doing the work of the ministry! I praise and thank the Lord daily for The Spoken Word Church! If you don't have a church and are in our area, I invite you to join us! You can click on the church website under my favorite sites on the side-bar of this blog to find service times and directions. If you're not in the area, check out the website anyway for the teaching that's available and to contact us so we can be of assistance to help you find a church in YOUR area! We want you to be all that God wants you to be, the only real success!

Love and shalom,
