It's been a very busy time again! Fenori and T needed a break, so Grandpa and I took the 4 grandchildren over Memorial weekend. It was alot of fun, but 4 is sure different than 3! T and Fenori were able to accomplish alot and have some fun, too. They were able to go out to eat together and to a movie, rare when you have 4 children! Here are some pictures from the weekend:
D.C. in a rare awake moment! (1 month old!)
Deuce, Fess & LiLi ready for church
Last weekend we went to help T & Fenori put a fence up for their backyard. They recently had a trike stolen and decided it was time! Here is a picture of the work crew. T's brother and Grandpa helped with the fence, so Fenori grilled for supper. This is T's brother, Fess, T and Grandpa feasting on steak and potatoes! Yum for them! (Grandma doesn't eat meat!)
Then we went Sunday to see T.L., J.A. and the girls. T.L. had just returned from 2 weeks in Israel and we couldn't wait to hear all about it! He had lots of pictures and stories to share. I will try to get some pics from him to share. He was very moved being at the Wall. He spent some time praying there. He met lots of people and had a wonderful time. I hope to share more of his stories later! Now he's home and his family is glad to finally see more of him!
Bean & Bug had their dance recital that night. They both did a great job! We could hear them sing from the back! I have pictures here:
Bug & Bean before the recital
J.A. really worked hard helping at the recital. It's funny how very few people seem to do all the work! She has one more week of Day Care left and then she will be free for the summer! We hope to see them during the week more this summer so we can stay longer. The weekends are so busy for everyone! J.A. also works with breast-feeding moms to help them deal with any problems they may encounter and she's training for a marathon this summer! Can you say "busy lady!"
Then on Tuesday night we were watching the Yankees play when my cell phone rang and it was our oldest granddaughter, Deuce. She said, "Grandma, I just wanted to call and tell you that I just asked Jesus into my heart!" We were so excited for her! She had been asking her mommy questions all day and when her daddy got home they sat down together and he answered her questions from the Word and she wanted to pray. When she had prayed for herself, she prayed for a very special family member and then told her daddy that she wanted to tell everyone about Jesus! Praise our wonderful Lord for making Himself real to her and drawing her to Himself! Our little evangelist is very bold to talk about Jesus!
Fenori recently purchased all the curriculum for Deuce and LiLi for school next year, another very busy lady! I'm hoping to be able to help her more this year! She just had her 6 week checkup and definitely doesn't look like she has 4 children. But then, keeping up with 4 children will keep you in shape!
I am so excited about how God is working everywhere in the world right now! He is using all of His people to the extent that they will let Him! Powerful things are happening and I am so blessed to be a part of it all! Prayer time has been more intense, praise has been more free-flowing and powerful than ever before, the Word is making more sense than it ever has in my life. I've been discovering people lately that are just as intense and passionate about the things of God as I am and it is very inspiring to me to go for it more seriously than ever !
I hope you all have a very blessed, God-filled weekend!