Now I have some other pictures to get caught up with! These first pictures were taken on an afternoon trip to see the Eau Claire Express baseball team play. T had gotten tickets for everyone and we had a lot of fun, even in the rain!

When we walked in we saw Grandpa's sister and her husband sitting right in the first row! They are season ticket holders and try to see as many games as possible. We were able to sit right behind them which was a real blessing!

Zoo had a great time, as you can see!

Grandma made sure to bring some treats!

We did have a few showers while we were there. We were mostly protected under the overhang, but the wind blew some rain in. Then the sun would shine a we saw rainbows!

Lili eating her cotton candy and looking up at something. Zoo must have seen the same thing she did!

Grandpa had thought to bring his golf umbrella, so we huddled under it.

It was fun to watch baseball in a smaller setting. It reminded us a little of Legends Field (now Steinbrenner Field) in Tampa.

Here is the Cup all by itself.

Grandpa showing his allegiance for the New York Yankees!

We did have a few showers while we were there. We were mostly protected under the overhang, but the wind blew some rain in. Then the sun would shine a we saw rainbows!

Lili eating her cotton candy and looking up at something. Zoo must have seen the same thing she did!

Grandpa had thought to bring his golf umbrella, so we huddled under it.

It was fun to watch baseball in a smaller setting. It reminded us a little of Legends Field (now Steinbrenner Field) in Tampa.
It was really fun to spend time with the grandchildren at their first baseball game. There was something going on all the time, so they were never bored. We'll probably go again sometime when we're not all so busy!
We found out a few days after that the Stanley Cup was going to be in Eau Claire. As you probably know, our Detroit Red Wings are the 2008 Stanley Cup Champions! I just could not pass up an opportunity to see the Cup up close and personal!

Here is the Cup all by itself.
Here are the two men responsible for the Cup being in Eau Claire. Dave Kolb (L) is a Scout for the Red Wings and is originally from Eau Claire. Mike Bolt (R) is one of 3 official "Keepers of the Cup". Notice the white gloves. One of these three men must travel with the Cup wherever it goes. It has been making its way to the hometown of every player and coach for the Red Wings this summer and WE got to see it, too! There is a picture of Pastor and me with the Cup on his blog that you can get to from my blog list on the right!
We have really been blessed so far this summer and are really looking forward to traveling to New York City and Yankee Stadium next week. I KNOW I'll have pictures to share from that trip! I also have some pictures from our nephew's wedding last weekend to share. The girls were beautiful and Zoo was very cute, too!
Have a wonderful week!