Hello everyone!
I thought I would post the pics from Bean and Bug's Dance Recital and Smidge's 2nd birthday party and THEN post my Israel pics! Here they are:
Nature loving Grandpa walked along. These were some pretty blue wildflowers. The color doesn't quite show up in the pictures, but they were pretty!

The cheese crackers bit the dust and became bird food! NOT on purpose! The dandelion is NOT the substitute she was looking for! :)

More crackers for the birthday girl! She deserved a treat, she was excellent during the long recital!

Bug and Bean in their costumes with roses Daddy bought for them. Bean was helping to sell them before the program.

Sisters in the backyard! Cute! :)
We had a very fun time! Smidge's actual birthday is today, but we couldn't be there, so we celebrated early. I will be spending 3 days with the girls next week while Daddy works and Mommy goes to school. She is studying to become an RN and is working really hard!
The next pictures I post WILL be from our April trip to Israel! There are a LOT of pictures, so I may have to use a few posts to do it. It was a life-changing trip and I plan to go again and take others back to see this truly amazing land! This IS the God-ordained land for the nation of Israel, I don't care what ANYBODY says about it! God's Word is the FINAL AUTHORITY!!! AMEN!
Shalom in Him!