I hope you all had a most blessed Thanksgiving! We sure did. It was a very busy time with T & Fenori, Deuce, Lili, Fess and Zoo arriving Wednesday morning and T.L. & J.A., Bean and Bug Wednesday evening. Add to that a wedding rehearsal on Friday and wedding on Saturday and you get the idea! I have lot's of pictures to share so I will have to use a few posts to get them all up. The first, though, has to be these two!
Our seventh grandchild is due in June of 2008! T.L. and J.A. gave us the wonderful news by way of these two ultrasound pictures. We are THRILLED! We love being grandparents and are amazed at how unique each of our grandchildren are! It's is such a blessing to watch them grow! Now the question is, will we have another grandson to make it 2 or another granddaughter to make it 6? Either way, we thank the Lord for a healthy, happy baby who will grow up to serve the Lord with their whole heart! Now to some more pictures!
Zoo sure looks good in blue!
Fenori feeding Zoo, look how long he is at 6 months!
Cousins Fess and Bug sharing a little love during the Thanksgiving Day parade!
Bug from above! SOMEONE has a camera!
Lili making her way down the stairs.
Bug and Lili having fun!
Bean with a "baby" and a smile!
Deuce happy to be with her cousins!
Deuce and Bean sharing a hug!
Zoo grabbing his toes with a smile!
Fess figured out how to use the "bouncy ball", her favorite thing to do!
J.A. and Zoo. She's looking forward to her own new little one and so are we!
A sleepy Fess and Grandma just resting together!
Fess looking a little sleepy!
T.L. wrote out Psalm 117 in Hebrew on the play room chalk board. It was beautiful! And hearing him quote it in Hebrew was inspiring to hear, too!
We had a very wonderful time with everyone. We really look forward to these times together. Now I am getting back to my daily routine! I love having a plan to get back to. It makes the transition so much smoother! Make sure to have a daily plan of your own. Set time aside for everything you need to do and make sure to add some "you " time to take care of yourself! You'll be a much better minister of Life if you do!
Have a wonderful week!