Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Hello everyone,

Here are the pictures we took on Christmas Day with T, Fenori, Deuce, Lili, Fess and Zoo:

We started with the Disney Christmas parade on television. Deuce wanted to leave her Cinderella jammies on in honor of her appearance in the parade!

Here is one part of the parade.

Fess really liked watching it, too. She loves "Lella"!

Zoo being tickled by Fenori so we can hear his "belly laugh".
Grandma watching the parade with Fess and Zoo.

We always read the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2 before we begin to open our presents. The girls really love to hear about Jesus!

Deuce opening her Faith and Friends doll.

Fess has her own little doll that's just her size.

Lili liked her soft, fleecy jammies.

Fess wanted Grandma's help to open her present.
Fess having Mommy read from her new book about animals.

Deuce opening her present with everyone watching to see what it is!

Fess liked her little "Gigi, God's little princess" doll. She's wearing a Christmas shirt that we got for her sisters a few years ago.

Daddy, Deuce and Lili listening to Mommy explain the Little House on the Prairie book set.

Grandpa is always happy to get new golf balls!

Fess talking on her new princess "cell phone"!

Fess wearing her new princess shirt and trying a new style "hat" on her baby doll.

Zoo is trying to open his present.

Fess wearing Mommy's new jammy top. She loves new clothes!

Lili with her new princess "cell phone" and a very pretty smile!

Deuce catching the last part of the parade.

Deuce and Grandma decided to check out the pretty, soft snow we got while everyone else was napping.

We made snow angels and a pretend house and went for a walk.
Deuce really loves to be outside and she was dressed for it!

We had a very fun time. Then on Saturday T.L., J.A., Bean and Bug traveled to T and Fenori's for our Christmas with them. We hope to have pictures soon of that time, too. We also had our annual New Year's Eve party at The Spoken Word Church and I hope to post pictures from that soon as well.

We are into 2008 and it is proving to be a very interesting year already. We started it off with a wedding on New Year's Day and resumed our weekly Pastors' meetings today. The Holy Spirit is moving so powerfully through believers at this time to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't be left out of this powerful, end times move of God. Be where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do. That's real success! This is the most exciting time to be alive and living for God! Get to know Him more every day, you'll be SO glad you do!

