Friday, February 22, 2008

Hello everyone,

Here are the first pictures of our 7th grandchild! They are 85% sure that we have another little girl! J.A. sent an email with an update that all is well and she looks very healthy in every area!

It still amazes me that they can "see" into the womb and get pictures of this little one!

Do you think that might be a little smile there?!

I can't wait to see who she will look like! Only about 4 months left now!

Here are the rest of the pictures from Deuce's 7th birthday party.
The girls spent a lot of time playing with the tiny princesses from the cake.

Deuce shared her new headbands with her pretty sisters.

Mommy and Daddy let the girls sleep in their Cinderella tent for a birthday treat and they invited Zoo in for a visit!

Notice that even though he's sitting in a princess tent, he is wearing football jammies!

The girls love to pose for Grandma's camera!

Lot's of different poses, but always a smile!

That is, until it's time for the regular "funny face" pose! Lili is still cute!

Now that's a face I haven't seen before!

Even her funny face is cute!
A group hug for the last pose!

Having grandchildren really helps you stay young at heart! It makes all of the workouts worthwhile, so I can keep up with them! We will be seeing all of the grandchildren next weekend. J.A., T.L., T and Fenori will be going out to eat and a movie, probably, to celebrate J.A.'s 30th birthday. Grandpa and I will stay with the children until they get back and then we will all go to our hotel to swim. It should be a very fun, full weekend and we are looking forward to it! I should have many pictures to share then!

Have a great, blessed weekend!

