Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello everyone,

Here are the pictures we took of Smidge's 1st birthday.

In the van on the way to the restaurant for lunch.

Another view.

Smidge clapping her hands.

Smidge looks a little sleepy here!

Smidge with Daddy - so cute!

Back home after lunch, Smidge is "drawing"!

Starting to open her presents from Grandma and Grandpa.

Bean and Bug were helping her!

Smidge really liked the purple ribbon on this one!

Now she's figuring it out!

What's in the bag, Smidge?

Tissue paper is fun!

A musical stacker - she liked this one!

Smidge with her own little cell phone. You can record messages on here that she can listen to.

It looks like she's trying to talk on it here.

Bean modeling her new swim suit.

Bug with her new swim suit.

Smidge pushing her new push/ride on toy.

Oops, where do I go now?

Mommy got her turned around and here she goes
I think she likes this one!

It is really hard to believe that she is already 1 year old! That year went by SO fast! We had fun going out for lunch together, even though the service left a LOT to be desired! Then we stopped at the DQ for treats to take home instead of a birthday cake. Mommy always makes the girls cakes for their birthdays. This was actually about a week before her birthday.

After the birthday party and naps, we went to Bean and Bug's Dance Recital. That was lots of fun, too. I'll have those pictures in a couple of days.

I hope you're all enjoying the warm weather! Have a great week!

Shalom in Him,
