I'm finally getting the pics up for Lili's 7th birthday party from the end of September! I had better pick up the pace! I still have Thanksgiving and Christmas and we'll start another round of birthdays in January! Here we go:
Zoo wearing his Brewers jacket and cap - should have been wearing Packers stuff for this weather! :)
Sharing treats from the orchard bakery. Notice Grandma in her 2009 World Champion New York Yankees jacket!!! :D
Fess holding the buzzer while we waited for our food to be ready. We were all watching to see her jump when it went off. Is that mean? :)
Playing with the Barbie House in their bedroom.
It was a really fun day with a lot of different things going on! Lili was happy to share her gift with her sisters, especially after Mommy gave her some time to herself to play with it. She played for a few minutes and then wanted her sisters to join her!
Will be posting in a couple of days to try to catch up! More grandchildren means many, many more pictures! I LOVE it! Thank You, Lord, for all of my precious children and grandchildren! What wonderful blessings they are!
Shalom in Him,