Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hello everyone!

We spent Saturday with T.L., J.A., Bean and Bug. It really felt like Fall! I have just 4 pictures:

J.A., Bug, Grandma and Bean heading for a walk by the lake.

Bug on the walk!

Bean on the walk!

T.L., J.A., Bean, Bug and Grandma. Grandpa was taking pictures!

We had a really fun time. They made supper and it was delicious! We ate out in the yard in the sukkah that they had made for Sukkot (or Sukkoth), the Jewish harvest festival. It was fun to be a part of this celebration after having learned about it a few years ago in church. Part of our heritage of faith as wild branches grafted into the natural olive tree (Israel).

Please continue to pray for the peace and prosperity of the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Pray for wisdom for the leaders and rulers of both, that they will make good, godly decisions and that God would make His purpose known to them. It's always amazing how one small sliver of land can have the hatred of the entire world aimed at them! But the Bible tells us that these things WILL happen in the last moments of the last days! Keep looking up, your redemption draweth nigh (near, close, SOON)!!!

Have a great week!

Shalom in Him,
