Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hello everyone,

We had a wedding at The Spoken Word Church in November when Diana Bates married Alan Sanderson and we now have pictures to share:

This is rehearsal when Diana's Uncle Bill was practicing giving the Bride away!

Practicing the vows so we get it right on the Big day!

A successful rehearsal and now for pizza!

The bride, Diana, and her mother, Linda, on the wedding day.

Diana with her Matron of Honor, Nicki Trott.

The beautiful bride!

Usher Greg escorting Linda down the aisle.

A joyful Diana repeating her vows !

Alan presenting his bride with her ring.

The kiss to seal the covenant while Alan's Best Man, his brother David, looks on.
The happy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sanderson!

The bridal table at the reception.

The beautiful cakes made by Diana' friend, Pat Burak.

Cutting the first piece of cake together.

Feeding each other the first bite of cake!

The wedding was a fun and joy-filled occasion for all of Diana's and Alan's family and friends. They are making their home in South Dakota now where Alan is the Manager of the Family Farm. They have recently moved into their new home and are having a great time furnishing it and making it their own! Much love and blessing to Alan and Diana as they have begun their new life together centered in God's will, rooted in Love and grounded in the Word of God!

Shalom to all!
