Here are some pictures we took on Saturday when we went shopping for Fenori's birthday presents:
Zoo getting ready to eat lunch !
Lili liked what she had for lunch!
Deuce finished hers and was ready to go shopping!
Fess enjoyed her supper dining as Cinderella Fess!
Zoo was eating SOMETHING green for his supper!
And he looks like he really likes it!
Cinderella Fess with her new Cabbage Patch tiny doll.
Deuce had a good time shopping, but didn't think Mommy and Grandma would take THAT long!
Lili was a little tired, too, but she enjoyed her fruity drink with whipped cream that she had for a treat!
The "Kid Crew" just before we left to head back home.
We had a lot of fun and found a lot of good sales for Fenori's presents. We were able to get more things for a lot less money, so it was a VERY good day! Next up for birthdays is our Pastor on February 4th, then Deuce will be 7 on the 15th. The BIG birthday this year is J.A.'s who will be 30 on the 26th! We hope to make that a very special one!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to go to church! And not just any old church, either. Find a church that teaches the uncompromising Word of God, boldly, confidently, precisely and accurately. If you can't find one, contact us through our website and we will be glad to help you. Get involved as a DOER of the Word that is taught, and not just a hearer. You will be most blessed and very big blessing to everyone there!