I have just a couple of new pictures to share. The first two are new ultra sound pictures of our new granddaughter. J.A. says she is growing great! She also said she was a little camera shy here!
She looks like she's playing hide and seek. Her cousins will love that, it's one of their favorite games to play!
Just look at those perfect little fingers! I'm always amazed by the new 3D ultra sound pictures. There is NO DOUBT that this is a baby in there. I can't wait to see her in person!
I stayed with Lili, Fess and Zoo while Fenori took Deuce shopping and to the library. The two little ones were napping for most of the time, but Lili and I had fun! We took a few pictures before I left and Fess even woke up in time to make it into some. Here they are:
Lili missed her sister while she was gone!
They just HAVE to have at least one silly face picture!
They were pretending to be asleep. Now doesn't that look comfy!
It's always fun to spend time with the girls and Zoo. We get to see Bug and Bean in two weeks when we go to celebrate Bug's 5th birthday. We can't wait to see them again!
I hope you are all enjoying your families and taking the time to really appreciate all that God has blessed you with. He is such a good God! He loved us so much that He even gave His Son to pay the price for our sin. I couldn't imagine giving up my children or grandchildren for anyone! Sorry, not even for YOU! But I'm so glad that HE could and did! If you have never taken advantage of the free gift of salvation that God the Father sent God the Son to provide for us, please take the time to find out more about it now. Just click on The Spoken Word Church site link to the right of this blog and find out what you have been missing.
If you have already received Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, then please make sure you are telling everyone you know about Him, while they still have time to believe and receive! And when you celebrate Easter this year, remember that this once a year celebration is really a secular holiday. Real believers in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Anointed One, celebrate His resurrection from the dead each and every day! Rejoice! He IS risen!