Saturday, April 05, 2008

Hello everyone!

We celebrated Bug's 5th birthday with her on Thursday. She was born on her Grandpa Jim's birthday, so they have a special celebration every year together! We usually go on the following weekend for a party but this year the girls had Spring Break from school, so we went during the week to do something special with just Bug. We went to Canal Park in Duluth. It was a lot of fun and not too crowded! We started with lunch at Subway and then on to the Thrillz, which is an indoor, carnival type game place. She wasn't too thrilled with it because it was too noisy for her, so we improvised for the rest of the day and had a wonderful time! Here are some pictures we took:

Bug and Grandpa on the Carousel.

She picked out the purple horse!
Grandpa rode with her, but not on a horse!
As you can tell, she wasn't too thrilled with the Trampoline!

She liked the little Dinosaur ride that just went back and forth.

She went once on the rolling slide.

She wanted the Carousel again, but not on anything going up and down!

We made a stop at the Candy Store and watched them make Peanut Butter Fudge. Bug picked out some candy for her sister, Bean, and a toy for her new baby sister who is due in June. Then she picked out some chocolates and some gummi worms for herself and to share! They had samples of Pecan Fudge that was so good that we took some home to her mommy and daddy!

It was such a beautiful day that we had to go for a walk by the water! Bug and Grandpa posed by this big anchor.
Grandma gave up the camera for a second so Grandpa could snap this picture of the two of us.
"Grandma, there's another anchor!"
Bug was getting a little tired, so Grandpa provided the transportation!

Back at home we decided to go out for supper.

As you can see, Bug was looking pretty tired by this time!

We returned home so she could open her gifts.

She had a little help from Bean for this.

Her very favorite gift was one that she picked out when we went shopping after the game place. It was a "Pucci Pup" and she LOVES it!
Bean in a REALLY close up shot!

We had a lot of fun. It's nice to spend time with each of the grandchildren alone occasionally. We really get to know their little personalities that way. Each one is so unique and talented and fun! The next birthday will be Zoo's, but he's too young to take on an adventure yet. Maybe next year!

We are enjoying some warm weather here the last couple of days and it is wonderful! I am definitely a warm weather person, so being in a place where it gets so cold in the winter is a real missionary experience for me! I truly believe that I am (for right now!) where God wants me to be, doing what God wants me to do. I sure wouldn't complain if He called me to a warmer climate, though! But then, I wouldn't get to spend as much time with my precious children and grandchildren, so I guess I'll stop complaining!

How about you? Are YOU where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do? It really pays to find God's will for your life and then just DO IT! It is such a blessed life and so rewarding, too! My prayer for you is that you will all find His will for you and then do whatever it takes to do it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Shalom in Him,
