Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hello everyone,

We spent Friday evening with T and Fenori for T and Zoo's birthdays. Then T.L. and J.A. and the girls arrived for a weekend stay. I have several pictures to share and will try to post them in the next day or so. Until then I wanted to share this great photo of two of the members of the "Know Fear" Youth Group. This was Prom 2008 for Tabatha and her boyfriend Josh. Tabatha has been a member of The Spoken Word Church since birth and has really grown into a beautiful young woman, both inside and out! And to think that Fenori used to babysit her! Doesn't she look gorgeous! And Josh looks pretty nice, too!

I'll post the new pics as soon as I can get them onto my computer. Until then, have a great start to your week!

