Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hello everyone,

I really meant to post these sooner but have been extremely busy. Here are the rest of the birthday weekend pictures I promised!

Fess was having fun as she was getting ready for bed!

Zoo wanted in on the fun, too! Note the football pajamas! Can you believe his first words were "football" and "touchdown"?!

Deuce helping Zoo play with his new toys and Grandma helping Fess with her jammies while Mommy got a break!

Have you seen a sweeter face than that?

Well, maybe this one, too! The girls are all wearing their candy necklaces.

Zoo's new expression! He really liked this toy!

Bean on the top bunk wearing Cinderella!
Deuce also on the top bunk wearing princess jammies.

There must be something interesting to Bean on the ceiling!

Deuce LOVES spending time with her cousins!

Fess in her own bed and avoiding my camera.

Unless, of course, it's silly face time!

Now that's a smile!

Bean hiding behind the princess pillow!

Fess not quite ready to sleep.

Bug cuddled under the covers in the bottom bunk.

It's hard to get her to look right at the camera, but she did pretty good here!

Lili on the bottom bunk with Bug. Now SHE has her eyes closed!
There she is! She loves spending time with her cousins, too!

We had a very nice time but it is never long enough! We hope to visit T.L., J.A., Bean and Bug at their house soon. J.A. is due to have her baby in mid-June, so I guess we had better hurry up on that!

I hope you are enjoying the warm weather when we do have it! I'm a sun and warm weather lover, so I am really looking forward to summer. We have a very busy one this year. Trips and babies and weddings! Make sure you stay in God's Word and stay built up so you can enjoy YOUR summer with family and friends! It goes by so fast in these here parts!

Have a most blessed rest of your week,
