Hello everyone,
Here are the rest of the pictures that we took over the weekend when T and Fenori's new baby was born!
He looked a little red, but very healthy!
All the kids just hovered over him, checking him out!
Zoo, Deuce, Lili, Fess, Daddy, Mommy and baby!
Fess couldn't wait to hold him!
Does she look happy or what?!
Lili taking her turn!
And she was happy about that, too!
Deuce, the REALLY big sister, at 8 1/2!
Zoo even got to hold him, with a little help from Mommy!
He was VERY excited to see his little brother!
"See my little brother"!

Fess got to feed him first!
These next pictures were from the next day when we went back for our own little "Birthday" party!
Admiring their baby brother again.
They were all just fascinated with him!
Zoo eating his cupcake that Grandpa had bought for the party.
Deuce thought the cupcakes were great!
So did Fess! 
Lili finishing up her milk - cupcakes make you thirsty, you know!
Even Mommy got to have a cupcake! Chocolate, of course!
All those cupcakes made baby brother hungry!
Deuce at home with baby brother.
Zoo was happy to have Mommy, Daddy and baby brother home.
In his car seat!
On his Packers blanket, wearing a sleeper that Zoo wore when he came home from the hospital!
Fess posing for my camera again!
Zoo smiling for me!
Lili holding her brother!
Fess holding her brother.
Zoo holding his brother.
Fess and Zoo with the baby.
Grandpa holding him for the first time!
Grandpa looking happy about holding him! (He was really tired from all the trips!)
Lili happy to have everyone home again! Here he is!
Deuce holding him at home!
We caught him with one eye opened!
Check out the shirt!
In little boy blue!
Deuce and Lili holding him together with Mommy looking on.
They LOVE their new baby brother!
It was a great weekend and couldn't really have been planned any better! Fenori had 10 minutes of labor at the hospital and there he was! We have been blessed with 8 beautiful grandchildren! Thank You, Father, for every one!
Enjoy the last days of summer!
Shalom in Him!