The girls kept getting phone calls from their friends wanting to know if they could walk to school together, etc. They were pretty excited to go!

She and Bean BOTH went in and under the water to swim for short spurts, just to say they could! I was impressed!

T.L. was pleased with his gifts and VERY pleased with this one! We gave him a new Packers shirt!
We had a great time, as usual! We can't wait to see everyone again soon. We plan to have a family photo taken again next weekend. It's been 2 1/2 years since the last one. Smidge and the new baby weren't even here yet, so it is definitely time to do it again! Will share those when we get them!
I hope you're all staying positive in the midst of all the negative things that have been happening! Remember that what you hear on the news is very rarely, IF EVER, the truth! Remember John 17:17: Sanctify them by thy word; thy WORD is Truth!
Have a wonderful and blessed week!
Shalom in Him!